How do they match: Geothermal Technicians

  • Plant Electrical Technician
  • Plant Mechanic
  • Plant Operator
  • Plant Technician
  • Geothermal System Installer
  • Power Plant Operator

  • Perform technical activities at power plants or individual installations necessary for the generation of power from geothermal energy sources. Monitor and control operating activities at geothermal power generation facilities and perform maintenance and repairs as necessary. Install, test, and maintain residential and commercial geothermal heat pumps.

  • Adjust power production systems to meet load and distribution demands.
  • Apply coatings or operate systems to mitigate corrosion of geothermal plant equipment or structures.
  • Calculate heat loss and heat gain factors for residential properties to determine heating and cooling required by installed geothermal systems.
  • Collect and record data associated with operating geothermal power plants or well fields.
  • Design and lay out geothermal heat systems according to property characteristics, heating and cooling requirements, piping and equipment requirements, applicable regulations, or other factors.
  • Determine the type of geothermal loop system most suitable to a specific property and its heating and cooling needs.
  • Determine whether emergency or auxiliary systems will be needed to keep properties heated or cooled in extreme weather conditions.
  • Dig trenches for system piping to appropriate depths and lay piping in trenches.
  • Identify and correct malfunctions of geothermal plant equipment, electrical systems, instrumentation, or controls.
  • Install and maintain geothermal plant electrical protection equipment.
  • Install and maintain geothermal system instrumentation or controls.
  • Integrate hot water heater systems with geothermal heat exchange systems.
  • Maintain electrical switchgear, process controls, transmitters, gauges, and control equipment in accordance with geothermal plant procedures.
  • Maintain, calibrate, or repair plant instrumentation, control, and electronic devices in geothermal plants.
  • Monitor and adjust operations of geothermal power plant equipment or systems.
  • Prepare newly installed geothermal heat systems for operation by flushing, purging, or other actions.

  • Repair green energy equipment or systems.
  • Service heating, ventilation or air-conditioning (HVAC) systems or components.
  • Troubleshoot equipment or systems operation problems.