How do they match: Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic

  • Plastic Process Technician
  • Process Technician
  • Set Up Technician
  • Set Up Mold Technician

  • Confer with other workers about machine setups and operational specifications.
  • Measure and inspect machined parts to ensure conformance to product specifications.
  • Read work orders or blueprints to determine specified tolerances and sequences of operations for machine setup.
  • Select, align, and bolt positioning fixtures, stops, and specified dies to rams and anvils, forging rolls, or presses and hammers.
  • Start machines to produce sample workpieces, and observe operations to detect machine malfunctions and to verify that machine setups conform to specifications.
  • Trim and compress finished forgings to specified tolerances.

  • Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
  • Select production equipment according to product specifications.