How do they match: Metal-Refining Furnace Operators and Tenders

  • Metal-Refining Furnace Operators and Tenders

  • Metal Furnace Operator
  • Metal Melter
  • Metal Off Bearer
  • Metal Reclamation Kettle Tender
  • Metal Refiner
  • Metal Roaster
  • Metal Smelter
  • ARC and AOD Melter
  • Arc and Argon Oxygen Decarburization Melter
  • Foundry Worker Apprentice
  • Hot Metal Car Operator
  • Hot Metal Charger
  • Hot Blast Worker
  • Hot Iron Worker
  • Kettle Worker
  • Muffle Worker
  • Open Hearth Worker
  • Oven Worker
  • Pipe Out Worker
  • Remelt Worker
  • Scruff Worker
  • Tin Recovery Worker

  • Operate or tend furnaces, such as gas, oil, coal, electric-arc or electric induction, open-hearth, or oxygen furnaces, to melt and refine metal before casting or to produce specified types of steel.

  • Direct work crews in the cleaning and repair of furnace walls and flooring.
  • Drain, transfer, or remove molten metal from furnaces, and place it into molds, using hoists, pumps, or ladles.
  • Draw smelted metal samples from furnaces or kettles for analysis, and calculate types and amounts of materials needed to ensure that materials meet specifications.
  • Observe air and temperature gauges or metal color and fluidity, and turn fuel valves or adjust controls to maintain required temperatures.
  • Operate controls to move or discharge metal workpieces from furnaces.
  • Remove impurities from the surface of molten metal, using strainers.
  • Scrape accumulations of metal oxides from floors, molds, and crucibles, and sift and store them for reclamation.
  • Sprinkle chemicals over molten metal to bring impurities to the surface.

  • Signal others to coordinate work activities.
  • Skim impurities from molten metal.