How do they match: Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Machine Operators and Tenders

  • Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Machine Operators and Tenders

  • Open Developer Operator
  • Ager Operator
  • Ammonia Box Operator
  • Autoclave Operator
  • Automation Operator
  • Beam Dyer Operator
  • Beck Operator
  • Blanching Machine Operator
  • Bleach Machine Operator
  • Bleach Range Operator
  • Cloth Boil Off Machine Operator
  • Cloth Dye-Range Operator
  • Cloth Finishing Range Operator
  • Cloth Shrinking Machine Operator
  • Cloth Washer Operator
  • Coloring Machine Operator
  • Drug Room Operator
  • Dye Operator
  • Dye Automation Operator
  • Dye Box Operator
  • Dye Can Operator
  • Dye House Wheel Operator
  • Dye Jig Operator
  • Dye Line Operator
  • Dye Machine Operator
  • Dye Padder Operator
  • Dye Range Operator
  • Dye Reel Operator
  • Dye Tub Operator
  • Dyed Yarn Operator
  • Finisher Operator
  • Finishing Machine Operator
  • Finishing Room Operator
  • Ink Jet Operator
  • Jet Operator
  • Jet Dyeing Machine Operator
  • Jig Operator
  • Jig Box Operator
  • Jigger Operator
  • Kier Operator
  • Laundry Machine Operator
  • Machine Op
  • Machine Operator
  • Package Dyeing Machine Operator
  • Padding Machine Operator
  • Panelboard Operator
  • Printer Operator
  • Rope Silica Machine Operator
  • Rotary Dryer Operator
  • Scouring Train Operator
  • Scrubbing Machine Operator
  • Shrinking Machine Operator
  • Silk Washing Machine Operator
  • Space Operator
  • Staining Machine Operator
  • Strike Off Machine Operator
  • Tanning Drum Operator
  • Tanning Wheel Operator
  • Tenter Frame Operator
  • Tin Whiz Machine Operator
  • Tire Fabric Impregnating Range Operator
  • Tub Operator
  • Water Jet Operator
  • Wool Washing Machine Operator

  • Operate or tend machines to bleach, shrink, wash, dye, or finish textiles or synthetic or glass fibers.

  • Confer with coworkers to get information about order details, processing plans, or problems that occur.
  • Observe display screens, control panels, equipment, and cloth entering or exiting processes to determine if equipment is operating correctly.
  • Prepare dyeing machines for production runs, and conduct test runs of machines to ensure their proper operation.
  • Record production information such as fabric yardage processed, temperature readings, fabric tensions, and machine speeds.

  • Operate garment treatment equipment.
  • Exchange information with colleagues.
  • Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
  • Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
  • Record operational or production data.