How do they match: Model Makers, Wood

  • Product Craftsman
  • Product Development Carpenter
  • Production Craftsman
  • Production Wood Craftsman
  • Ship and Boat Loft Worker
  • Wood Window and Door Craftsman

  • Construct full-size and scale wooden precision models of products. Includes wood jig builders and loft workers.

  • Construct wooden models, patterns, templates, full scale mock-ups, and molds for parts of products and production tools.
  • Plan, lay out, and draw outlines of units, sectional patterns, or full-scale mock-ups of products.

  • Apply protective or decorative finishes to workpieces or products.
  • Assemble wood products.
  • Build production molds.
  • Mark products, workpieces, or equipment with identifying information.
  • Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
  • Record operational or production data.
  • Select production input materials.