How do they match: Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders

  • Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders

  • Production Finisher
  • Production Painter

  • Set up, operate, or tend spraying or rolling machines to coat or paint any of a wide variety of products, including glassware, cloth, ceramics, metal, plastic, paper, or wood, with lacquer, silver, copper, rubber, varnish, glaze, enamel, oil, or rust-proofing materials. Includes painters of transportation vehicles such as painters in auto body repair facilities.

  • Examine, measure, weigh, or test sample products to ensure conformance to specifications.
  • Thread or feed items or products through or around machine rollers and dryers.

  • Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of production materials or products.
  • Apply protective or decorative finishes to workpieces or products.
  • Clean production equipment.
  • Connect supply lines to production equipment or tools.
  • Feed materials or products into or through equipment.
  • Fill cracks, imperfections, or holes in products or workpieces.
  • Inspect finishes of workpieces or finished products.
  • Load materials into production equipment.
  • Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
  • Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
  • Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
  • Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
  • Polish materials, workpieces, or finished products.
  • Record operational or production data.
  • Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
  • Weigh finished products.