How do they match: Semiconductor Processing Technicians

  • Chemical Etch Operator
  • Diffusion Operator
  • Diffusion Furnace Operator
  • Epitaxial Reactor Operator
  • Fabrication Operator
  • Ion Implant Machine Operator
  • Probe Operator
  • Seed Core Operator
  • Semiconductor Wafers Diffusion Furnace Operator
  • Semiconductor Wafers Etch Operator
  • Semiconductor Wafers Saw Operator
  • Wafer Fabrication Operator
  • Wafer Machine Operator

  • Maintain processing, production, and inspection information and reports.
  • Monitor operation and adjust controls of processing machines and equipment to produce compositions with specific electronic properties, using computer terminals.
  • Stamp, etch, or scribe identifying information on finished component according to specifications.
  • Study work orders, instructions, formulas, and processing charts to determine specifications and sequence of operations.

  • Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
  • Record operational or production data.
  • Review blueprints or other instructions to determine operational methods or sequences.