How do they match: Photographic Process Workers and Processing Machine Operators

  • Developer
  • Developing Machine Operator
  • Automatic Developer
  • Automatic Print Developer
  • Film Developer
  • Film Developing Machine Operator
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Photograph Developer
  • Photographic Hand Developer
  • Print Developer
  • Printed Circuit Board Panels Developer
  • X-Ray Developer

  • Perform work involved in developing and processing photographic images from film or digital media. May perform precision tasks such as editing photographic negatives and prints.

  • Examine developed prints for defects, such as broken lines, spots, or blurs.
  • Fill tanks of processing machines with solutions such as developer, dyes, stop-baths, fixers, bleaches, or washes.
  • Immerse film, negatives, paper, or prints in developing solutions, fixing solutions, and water to complete photographic development processes.

  • Operate photographic developing or print production equipment.