How do they match: Potters, Manufacturing

  • Jigger Machine Operator
  • Model and Mold Maker
  • Pottery and Porcelain Model Maker
  • Pottery Machine Operator
  • Press Operator
  • Pugmill Operator

  • Operate production machines such as pug mill, jigger machine, or potter's wheel to process clay in manufacture of ceramic, pottery and stoneware products.

  • Operate drying chambers to dry or finish molded ceramic ware.
  • Operate gas or electric kilns to fire pottery pieces.
  • Operate pug mills to blend and extrude clay.
  • Perform test-fires of pottery to determine how to achieve specific colors and textures.
  • Start machine units and conveyors and observe lights and gauges on panel board to verify operational efficiency.

  • Operate heating or drying equipment.
  • Operate mixing equipment.
  • Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
  • Mix ingredients to create specific finishes.
  • Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
  • Set equipment controls to meet cutting specifications.
  • Teach classes in area of specialization.