How do they match: Locomotive Engineers

  • Operator Engineer
  • Operator Trainer
  • Diesel Engine Operator
  • Locomotive Operator
  • Motor Operator
  • Narrow Gauge Operator
  • Rail Car Operator
  • Rail Detector Car Operator
  • Railroad Operating Engineer
  • Train Operator
  • Trip Motor Operator

  • Operate locomotives to transport freight or passengers between stations or to assemble or disassemble trains within rail yards.
  • Confer with conductors or traffic control center personnel via radiophones to issue or receive information concerning stops, delays, or oncoming trains.
  • Interpret train orders, signals, or railroad rules and regulations that govern the operation of locomotives.

  • Operate locomotives or other rail vehicles.
  • Monitor operational quality or safety.
  • Monitor equipment gauges or displays to ensure proper operation.
  • Receive information or instructions for performing work assignments.