O*NET OnLine Help The Database

Organization of Data in the O*NET Database and O*NET Online

O*NET OnLine is a web-based application that enables users to view and search information in the O*NET Database. The database is available as a series of flat text files that can be easily converted by system developers and skilled database users to any database format needed; visit the Database page of the O*NET Resource Center to get a copy. O*NET 29.2 is the current version of the O*NET database.

The Content Model is the conceptual foundation of O*NET. Within each Content Model domain, information is organized by different levels of description. This hierarchical structure allows O*NET users to drill down to the level of specificity they need for their own purpose. In essence, it creates a staircase that leads users step by step to the depth of information/detail they want. The O*NET program publishes occupational data on 277 Content Model descriptors, with more data available from other federal agencies such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The O*NET Content Model, with six major domains contributing to O*NET.

Explore the six Content Model domains in greater detail at the O*NET Resource Center’s Content Model page.