O*NET OnLine Help Technology Skills Search

With the Technology Skills Search, you can find O*NET-SOC occupations based on software used on the job. Learn about the technology and related skills needed to successfully perform in today's world of work.

To begin a search, enter a software product or category used in an occupation. In the following example, the user enters "construction management" to find relevant technologies.

Example view in context
Please enter a search term.
Examples: Microsoft Excel, database

The search results are grouped into two columns. Examples are specific products or generic names for specific types of software. Categories are broader groups which include specific examples. You may need to explore both types of results to find the most appropriate match for your query.

If you do not find your desired results, click the "See" buttons at the bottom of each column for additional examples. You can also try a different query with the "Search again" field at the top of the page.

To learn more about an example or category, and to see associated occupations, click its name within the list.

Example Details

In the example below, the user clicked "Construction Management Software ProEst" to see examples of occupations where workers might use this software:

Example view in context

Construction Management Software ProEst Save Table: XLSX CSV

Found in the category: Analytical or scientific software

Examples of occupations where workers may use Construction Management Software ProEst:

6 occupations shown
RankJob ZoneCodeOccupation
1415-1253.00Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
2415-1252.00Software Developers Bright Outlook
3415-2051.01Business Intelligence Analysts Bright Outlook
4413-2054.00Financial Risk Specialists Bright Outlook
  • Export the full list of occupation examples to Excel or CSV with the Save Table links.
  • To see other examples of similar software, click the link in the Found in this category section.
  • Filter the occupations to show only those in a selected Job Zone by clicking one of the Show Job Zones buttons.
  • Sort the occupation list by clicking any column header. Click the header a second time to reverse the sort order.

For any occupation listed, select its title to see more information about the corresponding occupation. For more information on these options, see OnLine Help for Summary, Details, or Custom Report.

Category Details

In the example below, the user clicked "Accounting software" to learn about specific software and occupation examples:

Example view in context

Accounting software Save Table: XLSX CSV

Software for enabling business functions related to accounting and management.
Examples include:
  • Intuit QuickBooks
  • Sage 50 Accounting
  • Fund accounting software
  • Tax software

Examples of occupations where workers may use accounting software:

6 occupations shown
Job ZoneCodeOccupation
413-2011.00Accountants and Auditors Bright Outlook
311-3012.00Administrative Services Managers Bright Outlook
413-1011.00Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes Bright Outlook
349-3011.00Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians
  • Export the full list of occupation examples to Excel or CSV with the Save Table links.
  • Read a short description of this category, and see specific examples of the software skills covered.
  • Filter the occupations to show only those in a selected Job Zone by clicking one of the Show Job Zones buttons.
  • Sort the occupation list by clicking any column header. Click the header a second time to reverse the sort order.

For any occupation listed, select its title to see more information about the corresponding occupation. For more information on these options, see OnLine Help for Summary, Details, or Custom Report.


We welcome feedback on the Technology Skills database. We encourage you to suggest technologies where our coverage may not reflect the full range of an occupation's duties. All suggestions will be considered for a future update of the database.

To provide feedback for an occupation in the database, visit the Technology Skills and Tools feedback process page of the O*NET Resource Center.