An umbrela license which includes several areas of specialization: Clinical Specialist, Midwife, Anesthetist, and Nurse Practitioner. Any person who submits to the Board a request to exercise as Advanced practice nurse will submit written evidence of having completed studies in the specialty you are requesting, according to the established provisions of this Law and will pass a revalidation exam offered by the Board, or instead, present evidence of passing the exam National certification offered by the American Nurses Crediatialing Center (ANCC), American Academy or Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists ”(NBCRNA) or others organizations that offer national certifications recognized by the Council of Higher Education of Puerto Rico or the Council for Higher Education. Requires negative debt certificate of the Administration for Child Support or payment plan. Cannot have been convicted of felonies or less serious crimes involving moral depravity.