- Negotiate prices and terms with suppliers, vendors, or freight forwarders.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Negotiate contracts with vendors or distributors to manage product distribution, establishing distribution networks or developing distribution strategies.
- Identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and cost and markup factors.
- Formulate, direct, or coordinate marketing activities or policies to promote products or services, working with advertising or promotion managers.
- Evaluate the financial aspects of product development, such as budgets, expenditures, research and development appropriations, or return-on-investment and profit-loss projections.
- Develop pricing strategies, balancing firm objectives and customer satisfaction.
- Compile lists describing product or service offerings.
- Direct the hiring, training, or performance evaluations of marketing or sales staff and oversee their daily activities.
- Consult with product development personnel on product specifications, such as design, color, or packaging.
- Use sales forecasting or strategic planning to ensure the sale and profitability of products, lines, or services, analyzing business developments and monitoring market trends.
- Coordinate or participate in promotional activities or trade shows, working with developers, advertisers, or production managers, to market products or services.
- Initiate market research studies, or analyze their findings.
- Confer with legal staff to resolve problems, such as copyright infringement or royalty sharing with outside producers or distributors.
- Consult with buying personnel to gain advice regarding the types of products or services expected to be in demand.
- Consult with buying personnel to gain advice regarding environmentally sound or sustainable products.
- Conduct economic or commercial surveys to identify potential markets for products or services.
- Recommend modifications to products, packaging, production processes, or other characteristics to improve the environmental soundness or sustainability of products.
- Advise business or other groups on local, national, or international factors affecting the buying or selling of products or services.
- Select products or accessories to be displayed at trade or special production shows.
- Develop business cases for environmental marketing strategies.
- Integrate environmental information into product or company marketing strategies, policies, or activities.
- Negotiate contracts with vendors or distributors to manage product distribution, establishing distribution networks or developing distribution strategies.
- Negotiate contracts with waste management or other firms.
- Oversee recycling pick-up or drop-off programs to ensure compliance with community ordinances.
- Maintain logs of recycling materials received or shipped to processing companies.
- Supervise recycling technicians, community service workers, or other recycling operations employees or volunteers.
- Review customer requests for service to determine service needs and deploy appropriate resources to provide service.
- Provide training to recycling technicians or community service workers on topics such as safety, solid waste processing, or general recycling operations.
- Identify or investigate new opportunities for materials to be collected and recycled.
- Assign truck drivers or recycling technicians to routes.
- Create or manage recycling operations budgets.
- Prepare bills of lading, statements of shipping records, or customer receipts related to recycling or hazardous material services.
- Inspect physical condition of recycling or hazardous waste facility for compliance with safety, quality, and service standards.
- Coordinate shipments of recycling materials with shipping brokers or processing companies.
- Operate recycling processing equipment, such as sorters, balers, crushers, and granulators to sort and process materials.
- Operate fork lifts, skid loaders, or trucks to move or store recyclable materials.
- Schedule movement of recycling materials into and out of storage areas.
- Oversee campaigns to promote recycling or waste reduction programs in communities or private companies.
- Coordinate recycling collection schedules to optimize service and efficiency.
- Develop community or corporate recycling plans and goals to minimize waste and conform to resource constraints.
- Prepare grant applications to fund recycling programs or program enhancements.
- Investigate violations of solid waste or recycling ordinances.
- Implement grant-funded projects, monitoring and reporting progress in accordance with sponsoring agency requirements.
- Make presentations to educate the public on how to recycle or on the environmental advantages of recycling.
- Design community solid and hazardous waste management programs.
- Negotiate contracts with waste management or other firms.
- Participate in contract bidding, negotiation, or administration.
- Design or prepare plans for new transportation systems or parts of systems, such as airports, commuter trains, highways, streets, bridges, drainage structures, or roadway lighting.
- Check construction plans, design calculations, or cost estimations to ensure completeness, accuracy, or conformity to engineering standards or practices.
- Prepare administrative, technical, or statistical reports on traffic-operation matters, such as accidents, safety measures, or pedestrian volume or practices.
- Plan alteration or modification of existing transportation structures to improve safety or function.
- Confer with contractors, utility companies, or government agencies to discuss plans, specifications, or work schedules.
- Present data, maps, or other information at construction-related public hearings or meetings.
- Prepare final project layout drawings that include details such as stress calculations.
- Investigate traffic problems and recommend methods to improve traffic flow or safety.
- Estimate transportation project costs.
- Design or engineer drainage, erosion, or sedimentation control systems for transportation projects.
- Evaluate traffic control devices or lighting systems to determine need for modification or expansion.
- Prepare project budgets, schedules, or specifications for labor or materials.
- Inspect completed transportation projects to ensure safety or compliance with applicable standards or regulations.
- Review development plans to determine potential traffic impact.
- Evaluate transportation systems or traffic control devices or lighting systems to determine need for modification or expansion.
- Analyze environmental impact statements for transportation projects.
- Supervise the maintenance or repair of transportation systems or system components.
- Model transportation scenarios to evaluate the impacts of activities such as new development or to identify possible solutions to transportation problems.
- Inspect completed transportation projects to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
- Evaluate construction project materials for compliance with environmental standards.
- Direct the surveying, staking, or laying-out of construction projects.
- Design transportation systems or structures with sustainable materials or products, such as porous pavement or bioretention structures.
- Investigate or test specific construction project materials to determine compliance to specifications or standards.
- Develop or assist in the development of transportation-related computer software or computer processes.
- Develop plans to deconstruct damaged or obsolete roadways or other transportation structures in a manner that is environmentally sound or prepares the land for sustainable development.
- Participate in contract bidding, negotiation, or administration.
- Negotiate with buyers for the sale, storage, or shipment of crops or livestock.
- Collect and record growth, production, and environmental data.
- Manage nurseries that grow horticultural plants for sale to trade or retail customers, for display or exhibition, or for research.
- Direct and monitor trapping and spawning of fish, egg incubation, and fry rearing, applying knowledge of management and fish culturing techniques.
- Direct and monitor the transfer of mature fish to lakes, ponds, streams, or commercial tanks.
- Determine how to allocate resources and to respond to unanticipated problems, such as insect infestation, drought, and fire.
- Determine plant growing conditions, such as greenhouses, hydroponics, or natural settings, and set planting and care schedules.
- Devise and participate in activities to improve fish hatching and growth rates, and to prevent disease in hatcheries.
- Position and regulate plant irrigation systems, and program environmental and irrigation control computers.
- Prepare reports required by state and federal laws.
- Inspect facilities and equipment for signs of disrepair, and perform necessary maintenance work.
- Maintain financial, operational, production, or employment records for farms or ranches.
- Coordinate clerical, record-keeping, inventory, requisitioning, and marketing activities.
- Direct the breeding or raising of stock, such as cattle, poultry, or honeybees, using recognized breeding practices to ensure stock improvement.
- Coordinate the selection and maintenance of brood stock.
- Analyze soil to determine types or quantities of fertilizer required for maximum crop production.
- Provide information to customers on the care of trees, shrubs, flowers, plants, and lawns.
- Analyze market conditions to determine acreage allocations.
- Supervise the construction of farm or ranch structures, such as buildings, fences, drainage systems, wells, or roads.
- Replace chemical insecticides with environmentally friendly practices, such as adding pest-repelling plants to fields.
- Conduct inspections to determine crop maturity or condition or to detect disease or insect infestation.
- Conduct or supervise stock examinations to identify diseases or parasites.
- Determine types or quantities of crops, plants, or livestock to be grown and raised, based on budgets, federal incentives, market conditions, executive directives, projected sales volumes, or soil conditions.
- Determine, administer, and execute policies relating to operations administration and standards, facility maintenance, and safety.
- Direct crop production operations, such as planning, tilling, planting, fertilizing, cultivating, spraying, and harvesting.
- Evaluate marketing or sales alternatives for products.
- Hire, supervise, and train support workers.
- Monitor activities, such as irrigation, chemical application, harvesting, milking, breeding, and grading, to ensure adherence to safety regulations or standards.
- Monitor environments to ensure maintenance of optimum animal or plant life.
- Obtain financing for and purchase necessary machinery, land, supplies, or livestock.
- Negotiate with buyers for the sale, storage, or shipment of crops or livestock.
- Negotiate with carriers, warehouse operators, or insurance company representatives for services and preferential rates.
- Supervise the activities of workers engaged in receiving, storing, testing, and shipping products or materials.
- Plan, develop, or implement warehouse safety and security programs and activities.
- Inspect physical conditions of warehouses, vehicle fleets, or equipment and order testing, maintenance, repairs, or replacements.
- Plan, organize, or manage the work of subordinate staff to ensure that the work is accomplished in a manner consistent with organizational requirements.
- Collaborate with other departments to integrate logistics with business systems or processes, such as customer sales, order management, accounting, or shipping.
- Analyze all aspects of corporate logistics to determine the most cost-effective or efficient means of transporting products or supplies.
- Resolve problems concerning transportation, logistics systems, imports or exports, or customer issues.
- Develop and document standard and emergency operating procedures for receiving, handling, storing, shipping, or salvaging products or materials.
- Monitor operations to ensure that staff members comply with administrative policies and procedures, safety rules, union contracts, environmental policies, or government regulations.
- Analyze the financial impact of proposed logistics changes, such as routing, shipping modes, product volumes or mixes, or carriers.
- Monitor inventory levels of products or materials in warehouses.
- Establish or monitor specific supply chain-based performance measurement systems.
- Prepare and manage departmental budgets.
- Monitor product import or export processes to ensure compliance with regulatory or legal requirements.
- Prepare management recommendations, such as proposed fee and tariff increases or schedule changes.
- Interview, select, and train warehouse and supervisory personnel.
- Advise sales and billing departments of transportation charges for customers' accounts.
- Analyze expenditures and other financial information to develop plans, policies, or budgets for increasing profits or improving services.
- Confer with department heads to coordinate warehouse activities, such as production, sales, records control, or purchasing.
- Implement specific customer requirements, such as internal reporting or customized transportation metrics.
- Maintain metrics, reports, process documentation, customer service logs, or training or safety records.
- Examine invoices and shipping manifests for conformity to tariff and customs regulations.
- Plan or implement energy saving changes to transportation services, such as reducing routes, optimizing capacities, employing alternate modes of transportation, or minimizing idling.
- Evaluate contractors or business partners for operational efficiency or safety or environmental performance records.
- Develop or implement plans for facility modification or expansion, such as equipment purchase or changes in space allocation or structural design.
- Direct inbound or outbound operations, such as transportation or warehouse activities, safety performance, and logistics quality management.
- Plan or implement improvements to internal or external systems or processes.
- Recommend or authorize capital expenditures for acquisition of new equipment or property to increase efficiency and services.
- Review invoices, work orders, consumption reports, or demand forecasts to estimate peak performance periods and to issue work assignments.
- Negotiate with carriers, warehouse operators, or insurance company representatives for services and preferential rates.
- Negotiate or approve contracts or agreements with suppliers, distributors, federal or state agencies, or other organizational entities.
- Direct or coordinate an organization's financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
- Confer with board members, organization officials, or staff members to discuss issues, coordinate activities, or resolve problems.
- Prepare budgets for approval, including those for funding or implementation of programs.
- Direct, plan, or implement policies, objectives, or activities of organizations or businesses to ensure continuing operations, to maximize returns on investments, or to increase productivity.
- Prepare or present reports concerning activities, expenses, budgets, government statutes or rulings, or other items affecting businesses or program services.
- Implement corrective action plans to solve organizational or departmental problems.
- Analyze operations to evaluate performance of a company or its staff in meeting objectives or to determine areas of potential cost reduction, program improvement, or policy change.
- Direct or coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with production, pricing, sales, or distribution of products.
- Direct human resources activities, including the approval of human resource plans or activities, the selection of directors or other high-level staff, or establishment or organization of major departments.
- Appoint department heads or managers and assign or delegate responsibilities to them.
- Interpret and explain policies, rules, regulations, or laws to organizations, government or corporate officials, or individuals.
- Review reports submitted by staff members to recommend approval or to suggest changes.
- Establish departmental responsibilities and coordinate functions among departments and sites.
- Deliver speeches, write articles, or present information at meetings or conventions to promote services, exchange ideas, or accomplish objectives.
- Serve as liaisons between organizations, shareholders, and outside organizations.
- Coordinate the development or implementation of budgetary control systems, recordkeeping systems, or other administrative control processes.
- Preside over, or serve on, boards of directors, management committees, or other governing boards.
- Attend and participate in meetings of municipal councils or council committees.
- Organize or approve promotional campaigns.
- Nominate citizens to boards or commissions.
- Conduct or direct investigations or hearings to resolve complaints or violations of laws, or testify at such hearings.
- Direct or coordinate activities of businesses involved with buying or selling investment products or financial services.
- Prepare bylaws approved by elected officials, and ensure that bylaws are enforced.
- Make presentations to legislative or other government committees regarding policies, programs, or budgets.
- Review and analyze legislation, laws, or public policy and recommend changes to promote or support interests of the general population or special groups.
- Direct non-merchandising departments, such as advertising, purchasing, credit, or accounting.
- Refer major policy matters to elected representatives for final decisions.
- Direct or conduct studies or research on issues affecting areas of responsibility.
- Administer programs for selection of sites, construction of buildings, or provision of equipment or supplies.
- Represent organizations or promote their objectives at official functions, or delegate representatives to do so.
- Negotiate or approve contracts or agreements with suppliers, distributors, federal or state agencies, or other organizational entities.