Job Duties Custom List 17-2141.00 — Mechanical Engineers

  • Oversee installation, operation, maintenance, or repair to ensure that machines or equipment are installed and functioning according to specifications.
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9 occupations shown
Closely Related TasksAll Related TasksJob ZoneCodeOccupation
34417-2141.00Mechanical Engineers Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
13417-2171.00Petroleum Engineers
12417-2161.00Nuclear Engineers
12417-2071.00Electrical Engineers
12417-2121.00Marine Engineers and Naval Architects
11417-2111.02Fire-Prevention and Protection Engineers
11417-2051.01Transportation Engineers Bright Outlook
11417-2111.00Health and Safety Engineers, Except Mining Safety Engineers and Inspectors
11317-3023.00Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians