Hot Technology

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Google Docs is a cloud-based software suite that provides the ability to create, edit, and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real-time with others. It is part of the Google Workspace platform and offers features such as version history, commenting, and sharing options. Mastery of Google Docs requires knowledge of its basic features and tools, as well as proficiency in collaborating with others to produce professional-looking documents efficiently. Read more at Wikipedia external site

Occupations linked to this hot technology skill are listed below based on the percentage of their job postings that include the skill.

106 occupations shown
Job Zone
Under 1%343-6011.00Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants
Under 1%427-3041.00Editors
Under 1%427-1024.00Graphic Designers
Under 1%243-9061.00Office Clerks, General Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
Under 1%427-3043.00Writers and Authors
Under 1%411-2032.00Public Relations Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%427-2012.00Producers and Directors Bright Outlook
Under 1%427-3031.00Public Relations Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%243-6014.00Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-1121.00Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Bright Outlook
Under 1%243-4171.00Receptionists and Information Clerks Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-1161.00Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-9072.00Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-2033.00Fundraising Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%521-1012.00Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors
Under 1%511-9033.00Education Administrators, Postsecondary
Under 1%343-1011.00First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Bright Outlook
Under 1%343-4161.00Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping
Under 1%323-2011.00Paralegals and Legal Assistants
Under 1%411-2021.00Marketing Managers Bright Outlook

Source: Lightcast external site job postings data for the US nationwide between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. “Percentage” represents the ratio of unique postings which mention the skill to all unique postings linked to the O*NET-SOC occupation.

This page uses material from the Wikipedia article Google Docs external site, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 external site.