Hot Technology
Unix is an operating system that is commonly used in servers, mainframes, and workstations. It is known for its stability, reliability, and security features. Unix skills are in demand in industries such as IT, finance, healthcare, and government. Unix professionals typically work with command-line interface, shell scripting, networking, and system administration. Knowledge of Unix can also be useful for those who aspire to become software developers or data analysts.
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Occupations linked to this hot technology skill are listed below based on the percentage of their job postings that include the skill.
The skill is considered In Demand for the occupation if it is mentioned in 5% or more of the occupation’s employer job postings.
5 19-1029.01 Bioinformatics Scientists
4 15-1244.00 Network and Computer Systems Administrators
4 15-1299.04 Penetration Testers
4 15-1242.00 Database Administrators
4 15-1299.05 Information Security Engineers
4 15-1299.01 Web Administrators
4 15-1212.00 Information Security Analysts
3 15-1299.08 Computer Systems Engineers/Architects
4 15-1241.00 Computer Network Architects
4 15-1251.00 Computer Programmers
4 15-1299.06 Digital Forensics Analysts
4 15-1252.00 Software Developers
5 15-1221.00 Computer and Information Research Scientists
3 17-3024.01 Robotics Technicians
4 15-1253.00 Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers
5 19-1029.04 Biologists
4 17-2061.00 Computer Hardware Engineers
3 15-1254.00 Web Developers
4 15-1243.00 Database Architects
4 15-2051.00 Data Scientists
3 15-1232.00 Computer User Support Specialists
4 17-2072.00 Electronics Engineers, Except Computer
3 15-1211.00 Computer Systems Analysts
4 15-1231.00 Computer Network Support Specialists
5 15-2041.00 Statisticians
4 41-9031.00 Sales Engineers
5 25-1021.00 Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary
5 15-2041.01 Biostatisticians
4 17-2112.02 Validation Engineers
4 17-2072.01 Radio Frequency Identification Device Specialists
4 15-1243.01 Data Warehousing Specialists
4 11-3021.00 Computer and Information Systems Managers
4 15-2051.01 Business Intelligence Analysts
Under 1% 4 15-1299.09 Information Technology Project Managers
Under 1% 4 33-3021.06 Intelligence Analysts Under 1% 4 17-2011.00 Aerospace Engineers
Under 1% 3 15-1241.01 Telecommunications Engineering Specialists
Under 1% 3 49-2091.00 Avionics Technicians
Under 1% 4 13-2054.00 Financial Risk Specialists
Under 1% 5 15-2031.00 Operations Research Analysts
Under 1% 5 11-9041.00 Architectural and Engineering Managers
Under 1% 4 15-1255.00 Web and Digital Interface Designers
Under 1% 4 17-2071.00 Electrical Engineers
Under 1% 3 15-1299.02 Geographic Information Systems Technologists and Technicians
Under 1% 4 13-1111.00 Management Analysts
Under 1% 3 17-3023.00 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians Under 1% 5 15-1211.01 Health Informatics Specialists
Under 1% 5 19-1042.00 Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists
Under 1% 3 17-3026.00 Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians Under 1% 4 13-2011.00 Accountants and Auditors
Under 1% 3 49-2011.00 Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers Under 1% 4 41-3031.00 Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents
Under 1% 4 41-4012.00 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products
Not available 3 17-3021.00 Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technologists and Technicians
Not available 4 19-2021.00 Atmospheric and Space Scientists
Not available 4 17-2141.02 Automotive Engineers
Not available 4 17-2031.00 Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers
Not available 4 11-9041.01 Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers
Not available 3 27-4012.00 Broadcast Technicians Not available 4 25-2023.00 Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School Not available 5 19-2041.01 Climate Change Policy Analysts
Not available 3 13-1041.06 Coroners Not available 3 43-9031.00 Desktop Publishers Not available 4 15-1299.03 Document Management Specialists
Not available 5 19-3011.00 Economists Not available 3 17-3012.00 Electrical and Electronics Drafters Not available 3 17-3024.00 Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians Not available 3 47-4011.01 Energy Auditors Not available 4 13-1041.01 Environmental Compliance Inspectors Not available 5 13-2099.01 Financial Quantitative Analysts
Not available 5 19-1029.03 Geneticists
Not available 2 47-3012.00 Helpers--Carpenters Not available 2 31-1121.00 Home Health Aides
Not available 5 15-2021.00 Mathematicians Not available 4 27-2012.05 Media Technical Directors/Managers
Not available 5 17-2199.06 Microsystems Engineers Not available 4 17-2161.00 Nuclear Engineers Not available 4 17-2199.07 Photonics Engineers Not available 5 19-2012.00 Physicists
Not available 4 19-1031.02 Range Managers
Not available 4 19-2099.01 Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists Not available 4 19-4099.03 Remote Sensing Technicians
Not available 4 17-2199.08 Robotics Engineers Not available 5 27-1027.00 Set and Exhibit Designers Not available 3 27-4014.00 Sound Engineering Technicians Not available 4 27-1014.00 Special Effects Artists and Animators Not available 4 27-2012.04 Talent Directors
Not available 4 17-2199.10 Wind Energy Engineers
Source: Lightcast
external site job postings data for the US nationwide between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
“Percentage” represents the ratio of unique postings which mention the skill to all unique postings linked to the O*NET-SOC occupation.
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