O*NET OnLine Help Browse by Job Family

Job Families are groups of similar occupations based on work performed and on required skills, education, training, and credentials. Using the Browse by Job Family option, you can select from any of the 23 Standard Occupational Classification job families. In the example that follows, “Community and Social Services” is selected from the pull-down menu in a search for the occupation of “Community Health Workers”.

Example view in context

The subsequent screen provides a list of all occupations within the specified job family. You can sort the occupations by O*NET-SOC Code or by Title by selecting the appropriate link.

Example view in context

Community and Social Services Save Table: XLSX CSV

21-1021.00Child, Family, and School Social Workers
21-1099.00Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
21-1094.00Community Health Workers Bright Outlook
  • Export the full list of occupations to Excel or CSV with the Save Table links.
  • Sort the occupation list by clicking any column header. Click the header a second time to reverse the sort order.

Should you not identify your occupation of interest in the selected job family, you can immediately re-select another job family from the accompanying pull-down menu. You can also view every O*NET-SOC occupation by choosing “All Occupations” from the pull-down menu.

For any occupation listed, select its title to see more information about the corresponding occupation. For more information on these options, see OnLine Help for Summary, Details, or Custom Report.